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Phone Scam Alert

Phone Scam Alert

No, your social security number was not involved in fraud

Over the past few weeks, many of our clients (and some of our paralegals) have reported receiving troubling phone calls from people claiming to be with the Social Security Administration. The callers say that your Social Security number has been involved in fraud or some other crime, and they request personal information from you. If you receive a call like this, hang up! This is a scam, and the caller is trying to trick you into giving them your information. The Social Security Administration very rarely contacts people by phone—they will generally not try to call you unless you’ve previously been in contact with them and asked them to call you.

This article from the AARP contains great information about how to detect a scam call and what you should and should not do if you find yourself on the phone with a scammer. (Article available in English and Spanish).