resources-recursos , uncategorized — January 23, 2017

Moving Forward in Difficult Times

Moving Forward in Difficult Times   This is a very challenging time for our country. We have seen a lot of rhetoric and acts of hatred, anger and discrimination...

gla-events-eventos-de-gla , uncategorized — December 9, 2016

Happy Holidays!

Happy Holidays! Happy Holidays! The end of the year is approaching fast. Donald Trump will be sworn in as president on January 20th. Global Law Advocates continues to monitor...

politics-politica , uncategorized — November 11, 2016

A Message to Our Clients Following the 2016 Presidential Election

A Message to Our Clients Following the 2016 Presidential Election In light of the results of the presidential election, here is our general advice to our clients in each...

citizenship-ciudadania , uncategorized — September 26, 2016

Voter Registration for U.S. Citizens

Voter Registration for U.S. Citizens All U.S. citizens are eligible to register and vote in the election—this includes naturalized U.S. citizens. Here is some general information about how to...

adjustment-of-status-adjuste-de-estatus , family-petitions-peticiones-familiares , uncategorized — September 14, 2016

Parole in Place

Parole in Place Elena grew up in Mexico. In her early twenties, she was in an abusive relationship, and eventually decided that her best option to escape was to...

local-news-events-noticias-locales-y-eventos , gla-events-eventos-de-gla , uncategorized — August 29, 2016

UNDOCUMENTED, una obra de teatro de Margaret O’Donnell

UNDOCUMENTED, una obra de teatro de Margaret O’Donnell UNDOCUMENTED, escrita por la abogada de inmigración de Seattle Margaret O’Donnell, mira las realidades enfrentadas por una familia inmigrante en Seattle,...

u-visa-visa-u , uncategorized — August 16, 2016

The U Visa Mirage

The U Visa Mirage | El espejismo de la Visa U According to USCIS statistics, the total number of pending U Visa applications has multiplied nearly six times from...

local-news-events-noticias-locales-y-eventos , gla-events-eventos-de-gla , uncategorized — August 1, 2016

An Invitation to the Play UNDOCUMENTED

An Invitation to the Play UNDOCUMENTED UNDOCUMENTED, written by Seattle immigration lawyer Margaret O’Donnell, looks at the realities faced by one undocumented immigrant family in Seattle, brought into the...

adjustment-of-status-adjuste-de-estatus , daca , family-petitions-peticiones-familiares , uncategorized — July 14, 2016

Options for Residence through DACA

Options for Residence through DACA Question: Jonathan was brought to the U.S. undocumented in 1996 when he was five years old and has not left the country since then. He...

daca , uncategorized — June 29, 2016

We Still Have DACA!

We Still Have DACA! Although the US Supreme Court let stand the lower court decision that President Obama did not have the power to implement DAPA: Deferred Action for...