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Advance Parole once again available to DACA recipients

Advance Parole once again available to DACA recipients

The December 2020 reinstatement of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) was great news for thousands of first-time applicants who have been waiting to submit their applications since the program was terminated in 2017. But there was also good news for people who already have DACA: Advance Parole is back.

Advance Parole is a permit issued by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) that allows certain immigrants to legally re-enter the U.S. after a trip outside the country. It is available to DACA recipients who can demonstrate that they need to travel outside the U.S. for humanitarian, education, or employment purposes. Eligible reasons to travel include the need to visit a sick relative or attend a funeral, study abroad, or a work assignment.

Advance Parole has other benefits besides the ability to travel. When an immigrant enters the U.S. with Advance Parole, it gives them a lawful entry, which can make certain immigrants eligible to obtain permanent resident status without leaving the U.S.

There may be risks to traveling with Advance Parole for people with prior deportation orders or criminal convictions. It is important to consult a trusted lawyer to discuss any risks and to make sure your application has the best chance of success.

Immigration lawyer Inna Scott and her team at Global Law Advocates specialize in helping immigrants of all kinds gain legal status and other immigration benefits in the United States. To consult with an experienced attorney about your immigration options, call us at 206-774-8758 or send us an email at info@globallawadvocates.com.