Why is My Case Taking So Long? Why Hasn’t Your Case Been Decided Yet? Nationwide, you and millions of families, businesses, and individuals applying for immigration benefits are waiting...
Big News for U Visa Applicants Last week, USCIS announced that it will issue work permits and grant deferred action for applicants with pending U visa cases. Previously, these...
What is VAWA, and how does it help immigrants? The Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) is a law that provides protections for victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, dating...
March Success Stories When times get tough, we at Global Law Advocates like to remind ourselves of our clients’ success stories. We’d like to share some of these stories...
The U Visa Mirage | El espejismo de la Visa U According to USCIS statistics, the total number of pending U Visa applications has multiplied nearly six times from...
I was the victim of a crime, and I reported it to the police, but the police say I did not cooperate – can I still get legal status?...
My U.S. citizen child was the victim of a crime – can I get legal status? Question: Julia is an undocumented immigrant living in the U.S. Her U.S. citizen daughter...