The following questions and answers are for informational purposes only. Please contact us at 206-774-8758 or email for a consultation to determine your eligibility for any of the following types of immigration benefits, or if you have any questions.


Someone in my family was picked up by immigration police. What should I do?

You should contact an immigration attorney as soon as possible. Bring all the information you have about your family member’s detention, and also their immigration and criminal history. An attorney will be able to tell you if there are options for preventing their deportation.

I was arrested for a Driving under the Influence (DUI). Can I still apply for a work permit or other immigration benefit?
How do I become a US citizen?
How can I get a work permit?
I don’t have papers, but my U.S. citizen son/daughter just turned 21. Can they help me get status?
I am a Permanent Resident. Can I petition for my relatives?
I have suffered domestic violence or another type of crime, and I do not have documents. Can I get a work permit?
What does it mean to be a Conditional Permanent Resident?
What am I allowed to do as a permanent resident?
Can I travel outside the U.S. as a Permanent Resident?
What are my responsibilities as a Permanent Resident?